Thursday, August 4, 2011

Ruggle's 11h Street

11th Street Cafe has been a long standing landmark in the Heights. Long time ago, in a galaxy somewhat far away, that used to be my stomping ground. I would go there on the weekends and brunch. It was ran by a mom and pop and staff that has been there seems like when the building was first built.

Later on, they changed hands. The new management decided eggs and bacon with caviar is the way to go. While, I can definitely appreciate the finer things in life, I can also appreicate the little guys, and the home cooked meals. 11th Street Cafe was that type of place. Homey feel for those of us who live by themselves.

Fast forward to this year, we heard all sort of rambling that they were selling, and that Bruce Molzan may come in and take over. That is definitely a welcome change. That place can use some love from someone who is not in it to make a buck but to really serve good food.
We got there, and remember the tiny-ness of the place. Here's the first turn off, they already have a small parking lot (remember the mom and pop feel from way back?), yet they force you to valet park. Guess they took a page from Stella Sola basically knowing that the neighbors won't want you to park there, it's a tad farther to walk since there are a couple of businesses around that also need the parking. Not to mention the Houston heat. Fine, despite the fact that we practically pulled into our space, but we're paying for valet... insert eye-roll here.

Then the menu, I understand this was their 3rd week of operation under the new management. And while I've heard that it usually takes aboue 3 months for a new place to work out its kinks. The menu was skimpy to say the least.

Items range from $10 thru $20-ish. Of course, it's all relative depends on what you order. I got the crab meat omelete, and it was good. But honestly, as far as brunch goes, for that price, I think we can do better.

I understand they came in a gave it a new coat of paint and updated the booths, but this isn't exactly the tradition Ruggles on Westhimer. Nor is it hip like Ruggles Green. I get that they're trying to be more Austin-ques, but we're not quite there and the menu should reflect that. Heck, the service sure did. I'm not sure if they kept some of the old staff, which is kinda less service oriented, but more like they'll bring you your food because they don't want you behind their counter type attitude.

Overall, for the price, I expected better service and excellent food as Ruggles have delievered everywhere from Bakery to Green. I expected more on all fronts, and it only got there by its food and even then I know they can do a better job as demonstrated elsewhere. We may try again down the road, for now, we're good where we are.

Ruggle's 11th Street Cafe
748 E 11th St,
Houston, TX 77008

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