Thursday, February 15, 2018

Bokksu review

I'm telling you, I am such a sucker when I see an ad for subscription boxes.
 I just have a weird fascination to see what they have in the new box and compare to what they had in the past.  

One in particular is the Kit Kat box from Japan.  Japan is known for having regional Kit Kat flavors, and if there's a box full of different Kit Kats, sign me up!  I'm not necessary a huge Kit Kat fan per se, but if there's a chance to try something we don't normally get, why not?
Talk is cheap, let's see what's inside!

Whoa, look at all these Kit Kats!  They are all snack size, or in US, party size.  Let's see what they have here.... The are Cranberry & Almond Kit Kat, Matcha (Green Tea) Double Berry & Almond, Dark Chocolate, Dark Matcha, Matcha, Strawberry, Matcha Leaves, Hojicha (roasted green tea), Amao Strawberry, and Purple Yam Kit Kat.  Every box also comes with tea for you to pair with your snack, this time is White Peach Tea, which goes well with milk and Kit Kat.  As a bonus, they have a bag of Heart Shaped Japanese Senbei (rice cake) spiced with Pepper.  

So, first look, I was very surprised by how many variation of Green Tea there are.  In this box alone, there are 4 types, not to mention one mixed in with the Berry & Almond.  I do like the Dark Chocolate, and grateful that they give you 2 of each, so you don't get bored with a big bag of the same flavor.  The Strawberry apparently is more tart than the Amao Strawberry, which is sweeter.  I have yet to try the Purple Yam at the time of the post, but happy to post about it later.

Basically, how they group their selection is that they have the Luxury Edition, which they have higher quality of ingredients.  Adult Edition (mind out of gutter), is less sweet and possibly more intense flavor which is not made with children in mind.  Limited Edition, which was what I was thinking that they are only available in specific region of Japan.  I do remember seeing various flavors at Narita Airport's gift shop.  That's a huge seller for them, since Kit Kat is a well known brand, so different flavors are such great novelty.  I do know in Tokyo they even have a Kit Kat Chocolatory, where you can select different flavors like a high end Chocolatier shops.  Definitely an experience.  For now, I'll order snacks from a subscription box.


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