Monday, October 3, 2022

Killen's at the Ballpark

Super excited, since I haven't been to a baseball game forever.
The other reason to be excited, is of course the amount of junk food inside this place.

Let me tell you, I was super excited to see that Killen's has a spot in the ballpark.  But also be warn, it's all the way on the opposite side from the Crawford Street entrance.

For $21, you too can get this mount of Brisket Nacho.

Check out that view, it's high - alright.  I'm talking about how they pile the food so high.  There's your base - nacho chips, then briskets, the sprinkle in the cheese and then a huge dob of sour cream, and in case you want more, there's some jalapeƱo pepper on the side.

Besides this, they do have meat plate, mean sandwiches but this is what I don't get to have outside of the park, so for $21, this was it!  I will say, the cheese is not the good o' valveeta mix that we know, it's decent quality cheese.  But let's face it, I was there for the meat.  It's top notch brisket from them of course, and I will say, between all those chips, that's sufficient. You get some chips and some protein, it's a good mix and a good dish.  After eating that, you don't feel crabby and sleepy.  The quality delivers and I appreciate that.

First of all, this is located on the 4th floor of the stadium.  You can either take escalators to as far as you can go, then some stairs to the 4th level.  OR!  Find the VIP elevator and take it to the 4th level.  Once you get there, you head towards the Michelob Suite, and the Killen's is in the corner.  Now, here's the trick.  I got there early to avoid downtown traffic, so the park literally just opened when I walked in.  So there's no lines.  It's been known that Killen's popularity draws people to walk up those stairs.  So go early!

Killens at Minute Maid


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