Monday, June 10, 2024

BHBG Coffee

Read about BHBG, and for the longest time didn't know where/what that was.
When I drove by, I realized I already know about the Biergarten.

If you go past the gate and take a left, that's the coffee place.

They have pastries and sandwiches.

There's some seatings, and if you can stand the heat, you're definitely welcome to sit at the benches and tables outside of the space. 

This is an interesting one, this is Cold Brew + Lemonade.  I mean, it's like an opposite of an Arnold Palmer (Tea + Lemonade).   While I was waiting I was thinking about it... it kinda does make sense, since there's acidity to coffee, which you of course have with lemonade.  What it taste like is this: you have the sour from the acidity, then you have bitter follow behind from the coffee.   It doesn't taste bad, but the acidity was a bit much for my taste. 

I grabbed a blueberry danish, and they were kind enough to heat it up for me.  

It's a nice place to sit and read or catch up with friends.  The space is like a little living room feel, and you can relax and enjoy your coffee.  Once you walk up to the counter, they actually have a full menu you can look and see what they have.  Give them a try.

BHBG Coffee
3905 Washington Ave
Houston, TX 77007


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