The dinner took place at Pesce on Kirby. Yes, the seafood place. The story goes, Chef Mark Holley was approached by a frequent customer who asked him to make some fried chicken for his birthday. The nearby table saw what he has, and they wanted it, and since that it became so popular that the restaurant decided to do a chicken dinner once a month. Even then, they have a 3 month wait list. No lie, call them, those dinners takes place on the last Thursday of the month.
On to the food, shall we?
As you know, or if you don't, Chef Holley does not disappoint. They offer a great range of seafood. But let's talk chicken. Apparently, the chicken were catch 2 days before, so everything is fresh, fresh, fresh. The batter has a very subtle kick of pepper and it was very juicy and no hint of dryness at all. Several people at the table were commenting how it tasted like how grandma used to make them... so I know it is good.
What's on the plate? So, obviously, the fried chicken. Chef Holley was saying his secret ingrediant is the sugar cane syrup (which is that puddle of brown stuff). For sides, he brought out biscuit (of course) with light brown gravy that has tomato in it. White truffle mac & cheese (not sure if grandma ever made that), and sweet potato with (I believe) walnuts & either dates or cranberry.
Like I said, there was gravy, and I didn't get any, because by then, I was stuffed... my eyes definitely wanted to devour more, but my stomach declined... plus, as my neighbor, Karen, said, there's dessert still.
The dessert was pecan pie (made in house) and bacon cinnamon ice cream. I know, I know, bacon? Well, in today's world w/ bacon chocolate and bacon cupcake, why is it strange to have bacon ice cream? It was delicious, and you can hardly tell that there's bacon in there. The bacon are in tact, so we all guessed that it was sprankled in after the cream became ice cream. You can see little bits of bacon in the ball of ice cream, but there's no overempowerment of taste there. You can definitely bit into little bit of bacons, but it's like ice. You know when you ice cream get froze bite. It's like that.
Overall between good food and good people, this is one heck of a deal. If you ever get a chance to try it, you should. Remember, 3 months wait.
3029 Kirby Drive
Houston, TX 77098