Monday, August 16, 2021

Tiny's No. 5

Finally can make it to Tiny's No. 5 for breakfast.
It's been a while since I' e been here.  We tried to come by a few weeks ago, but it was a holiday weekend and they were closed.

Got to sit outside and enjoy the green.

Now, I haven't been to Tiny's for a few years - but my Migas looks very different from before.

Before it was diced sausage, potato with tortilla bits with the verde sauce over it.  Instead, the new version has carnitas on top of scrambled eggs with cheese and rolled up tortilla on the side.  You can make your own taco if you want.  I do miss the sausage and the tortilla chips mixed in the migas.  This way, everything mixed up together feels fuller than before.  But to me, migas is not migas without the tortilla chips in the mix... I miss that.

Tiny's No.5
3636 Rice Blvd
Houston, TX 77005


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