Finally got a chance to visit them at Haute Wheel. I'm not going to lie, I had fun eating, but truly no one can eat and sample everything all of the truck has to offer in one setting. I'll elaborate more on the festival in another post, but let's talk cake!

It's not particularly hard to do if you have a good recipe to work with. But, if you were to play with it, I recommend baking your cake, crush them up, and mixed in w/ cream cheese and shape it the way you want. The cream cheese will hold the shape and not destroy the cake texture, also not so overempowering where the taste of the cake can't come out. (for further research or reading, check out www.bakerella.com)

Here's the thing, I can be open minded about alot of stuff, but if you're not a Ginger lover, you'res just not. Not to mention ginger + beer together??? Well, basically, it tasted like ginger bread, but in a cake form. The outside is dipped in white chocolate ganached sprinkled w/ cinnamon. So, not quite a truffle where it's light and airy, but it's for sure a dessert that you can't eat just one bite.
Angie's Cake
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