Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Beard Papa

Since we were in Katy, I stopped by Beard Papa.
No crazy lines this time.
The atmosphere is way more relax and make you feel like you can sit, chill, and have a puff.
Loving the Merch!
*drool* this is why I'm here...
It is just lovely to see all of them lined up like that... I'm in Heaven!
Here's my chocolate one, this time I've asked for it to have chocolate cream inside.  Boy, lemme tell ya, chocolate on chocolate is divine.
This is Green Tea with Vanilla cream, it's nice and mild.  I just really like the green tea coating on the outside.  So yummy.

It's nice that now the craze has cool down a bit.  When I got there there were only couple of people in front of me.  Though, they were having huge orders.  I'd figured I'm out this way anyhow, might as well stop by and grab a few.  They are very delicious and mostly no one else has this, but do try other flavors when you come next time.

Side bar: been watching Wreck-It Ralph (the first one) with my kiddo recently.  We realized that Beard Papa was in the movie.  He was the guard of the car making factory, the game within the game.  Next time, check that out.

Beard Papa
23119 Colonial Parkway
Unit A 
Katy, TX 77449
closed on Wednesday

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