Thursday, November 3, 2022

Sugar & Wheat

So I've been following Sugar & Wheat for some time. 
She always does pop ups right in front of Daido Market and always sell out quickly.

Look at all those goodies...

This cute little guy is a Chestnut Au Pain - but the inside has a bit of adzuki bean mix with chestnut mixture.  I will say they do have a lot in there though.

She's very meticulous and even though she's not required to do this, she does include ingredients and disclosures.  Which I know a lot of bakers don't do this.

Then I got Chestnut Scones - this reminds me of rugelach dessert, except thicker.  This one does have a lot of chestnut bits in the mix and on top.  I like that it's not dry and not too flakey, definitely should heat it up and have a cup of coffee in hand while enjoying this.

Like I said, she usually does pop ups and a lot of times it's in the middle of the week which is not conducive to those of us who work far from there.  It was serendipitous that she was setting up as we were pulling in.   She does post on her Insta which days she's going to be, unfortunately, I don't read Japanese, so use the See Translation feature to help you out.  

Her popular item, also Japan's popular item is the Melon Pan - she had a Green Tea Melon Pan and a regular one.  Milk bread and pumpkin bread too.  Not only that, she does offer lessons, so if you're interested in Japanese pastries, check her out.

Sugar and Wheat

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