Monday, March 27, 2023

Blendtopia Smoothie

At first, after my mouth was busted and have to be on liquid diet, I was pretty bummed, what am I going to post here?  A friend teased about looking forward to my hospital food review, and in jest I did it. 

But then, another friend suggested that I can review the soup and smoothie I've tried, and that's a great silver lining, isn't it?
To start, the office sent over a giant box of Blendtopia.  Never heard of them, and not sure what they were, but it came in a box of dried ice packed box, so why not.

Once we opened it, we realized why it has to be packed in ice.  It is basically ingredients and all in frozen form.

It's basically a recipe all ready to blend.

But you are to add 12-16oz of milk, we went ahead and added protein powder and almond butter to get more protein in the mix to make it a 'meal'.

It really did give the blender a good work out there.

Churns out a good two 12oz bottle of smoothie.  Is it full as a meal replacement?  Not all the way, but I can only have soft food or liquid, that's what going to have to do.

In terms of taste, don't need to worry if it's sweet, because it's not.  As a matter of fact, the veggie and avocado is more dominate than fruit.  So don't worry too much about the sugar in there.  The package per serving is only 80 cal, but by the time you add milk and almond butter or peanut butter, and other stuff, it all adds up.  

I got the sampler box, which has Glow, Immunity, Detox, Energy.  They even have Keto version for Green or Berry Smoothie.  Again, none of them are overly sugary or sweet.  You do taste the veggie, so no need to worry if it's gets overly sweet, it's not. 

They sell it by the box, you can do it by 12, 18, or 24, or do a 7-day Cleanse program (which has 14), or by subscription.  Is it worth it?  For busy, on-the-go folks want to be somewhat healthy, this is pretty good.  Think Snap Meal or prepared meal that's prep ahead of time.  All they need is to add milk and blend.  Works very well, ingredients are frozen and can keep.  For the price point, if you want to mix the frozen fruit on your own, that's definitely doable, but not hard to do.  Again, depends on what you value.  For taste, ease of use and price point, this is a good program.  At least, you know it's healthy from the source. 



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