Thursday, March 17, 2022


It's been too long since I had a Sando.  Super excited to have Sandoitchi back in Houston.


They even have order in-person, in addition to pre-order.

The pop-up is inside POST HTX, in a little corner (before the back eating patio).

Here's what you can order in person.   As per usual, you have to be there early to get the sando you want.

Here's my pre-order goodies + Yakitori Don that I got at the counter.

Not something you get usually at the pre-order pop up.  Had to try their Buckwheat Oolong team.  They had other drinks too but can't be too greedy.

This is the Yakitori Don - as you can see, lots of chicken, grilled, combo cabbage and ginger scallion on the side over a bed of rice.  The flavors come together very nicely.

 Chicken Kandu Sando - it has a bit of a kick, mainly from the mustard.

This you can only get on pre-order.  It is the A5 Wagyu Beef with bit of Caviar.  Yes, it cost $70 but less than last time. You can tell the beef is great quality, and the little bit of caviar didn't do much for taste but it's rich.

Got a potato salad, great to go with the sandwich.

For dessert, I got the cream and fruit sando.  The cream is light and fluffy, not over empowering in flavor or texture.  The fruit are nice and fresh, it has pineapple, strawberry, grape and slice of mandarin orange.  Yummy every bite, even the bread for this sando is not as sturdy, easy for your enjoyment.  The savory sando's bread or thicker to hold up the protein, but the lighter bread goes with the dessert paired up nicely.

This popup is inside Post HTX downtown.  The next open for order will be Sunday at 6pm, make sure you set an alarm for it.  Have to be quick and have your card handy to pay for your order.  The day of pickup, they sent an email and a text to remind you the order is ready, time to pickup and where they are located.  Then you get there, they check you in, and make it on the spot.  After that, just a few mins and the yummy goodness appears.  The whole process is very smooth.


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