Monday, June 7, 2021

Peach Tart

This is going to be Peach Week.
Split a box of Peach Truck box with a friend.  Even though it's half of a box, there's still a lot of peaches.

One of my favorite recipe to make is the 5 ingredients Peach Tart.  You start with a store bought Puff Pastry.  Favorite and easy to find is the Pepperidge Farm version.

If yours cracked, no worries, just use your thumb to smush them back together.  Good as new.

You slice them nice and thin, basically about 16 slices per peach.  Prepared some egg wash and set it on the side.  You mix the sliced peaches with lemon juice.  

In this experience I've learned that if you want some more flavor, drizzled in some cinnamon. 

You leave about an inch around and put the egg wash on it.  

I love it because it comes up with nice, puffy and nice and brown.  Of course because it's a puff pastry, it's nice and fluffy and crunchy.  The entire recipe is easy to make and technically it's 4 ingredients, because the last part is to sprinkle in powdered sugar, which my kid doesn't like, so we can save that one step.

What I learned is that if you have crappy slices, hide it at the bottom, and save the pretty slices for the top.  If you have left over, you can use it as a filler.  You can cut it up after dinner and enjoy it with some ice cream. 


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