Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Cherryblock - HEB edition

I love the whole HEB helps restaurants during this time thing.
This time we got food from Cherry Block.  I saw them when I was down at Bravery Chef Hall, but it looked like lots of meat to me, and the menu was a tad intimidating.  For $12, you can pick something up from HEB.

That said, I got the andouille sausage with potato and cabbage.  It's not bad, the sausage is super flavorful.  The potato still has some crispy crunch after heat up.  By the way, my trick is that I don't heat up in microwave.  If I have the luxury of time, I pop it in the oven to warm it up.  Overall, for $12 is a tad higher than what you'd pay for this dish.  It was good, not bad, but not sure if I'll buy this again.  I think, if I get to go back to the Food Hall and eat in person it would've been lovely.  But since this is a reheated meal, something is lost in the translation.

Cherry Block at HEB
check your local HEB for more info.

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