Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Flower & Cream

So, when there's dessert near me, I really pay attention.
Not to mention a lot of the 'influencers' on Instagram was going ga-ga over this place.
Mainly for this....
and this.  Mind you, this Swing is bolted down, but I've heard from the moms groups that smaller kids have sat on them and fell over.  So, don't let the little ones sit on there unless they have a good balance.
This is the Andes chocolate mint ice cream, and the green cone is green tea handmade waffle cone flown in from New York.  OOOhhh ahhhh.
Another type of ice cream is their ice cream sandwich made with macarons as the 'cookie' part.  It is really chocolate brownie inside with the chocolate macarons.  Needless to say, you need a bigger mouth to eat that ice cream sandwich.  Haha, just kidding.

Met the owner briefly and he's very aware of the competitions in the area, but has faith that with the pizzeria next door that they may get some business from the eatery.  There are also a salad place in the same shopping center, another Italian place behind and a Chinese & Ramen shop caddy corner.  So, definitely hopeful and we wish them all the luck.

Flower & Cream
2617 W. Holcomb Blvd
Houston, TX 77030

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