Wednesday, May 22, 2024


Been seeing lots of fancy photo for Duchess.
Turn out it's in a small little corner of the Uptown Park.

Grabbed a mocktail

Loving the burrata - which has peach jam and pesto with sourdough.

Another to share plate, pulled apart bread with shipped goat cheese, basil and olive oil. 

This is a side of Potato Croquettes, it's pretty yummy.

We have the croquettes and grilled veggies and vermicelli rice as sides.

And can't forget the brussles spouts. 

For entree I got Pasta and Prosciutto sans Peas - Didn't realized that it doesn't come with sauce and the dish is so huge.  All in all, it's not bad, not as good as some but I had expected great coming here.  So the expectation set me up to fall there.

To share, we got the doughnuts that is dolce de leche stuffed with chocolate cremaix, just gimme and no body gets hurt.

This is one of the prettiest dessert that we've ever gotten.  This is a white chocolate mousse, strawberry compote, strawberry bits, elderberry foam.  Super pretty, it has a little bit of a shell on top and you crack into the mousse, very pretty.

For a pretty place like this, a reservation is a must, they do have a bar area in the back but the whole place is not big.  Now that it started to get hot, eating on the patio after sundown might be a possibility.  

I would say, for all the hype, the experience wasn't as good as the hype was.  We got 2 servers, yet we never seem either one of them once the restaurant traffic picked up.  Couldn't even order more even if we wanted to.  By middle of the meal, they started to have live DJ, so you can't even hear each other talk.  It's a tad of a wasted space because the DJ was set up at the main dining area, but the bar is in the back.  So if you are sitting in the middle, you're stuck with the noise level. 

1131-01 Uptown Park Blvd
Houston, TX 77056

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