Monday, June 27, 2011

Making more macarons

The macaron craze had hit our little circle of friends. One set of friends went to Cannes and came back raved about macaron, and the next thing you know it sparked another set of friends who went to Paris back in Winter reminiscing about their macaron adventure in Paris.

One thing led to another, they were inspired to make macaron. I, a macaron lover, was a tad hestiant, because it's more work than this perfect little cookie led on. These yummy delicious cookies, takes a longer prep time than a novice baker would expect.
I had to explained to them about the aged egg whites, and how to sift the flour and sugar first. After all, I think the trick lies in the fact that the egg whites led to perfect meringue. Then all the gear that helped along the way, not to mention the piping... yep, that takes practice. We went with a basic, no frills ganache recipe, and just did a dark chocolate and a durian flavor with white chocolate. (yes, you read correctly, durian)
I am happy to report that the Mad About Macaron recipe proportion did the trick. I used to do the TNT portion for my base, but the MAM portion has proven to work with different egg whites proportions couple times that I've tried. I am also thankful that my friend's oven was very reliable and did a good job.

One thing we learned, when we dab some water to 'flatten' the peak after piping. Watch how much water is on the cookie, because in the oven, it bubbles and looks like the cookie grew another head.

Give that a shot!

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