Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Nikos Nikos

Friends and I were meeting up and one special place we like to go to is Nikos Nikos.
 On Saturdays, the Memorial location, you can order Konto, which is short for Kontosouvli.
Which is really BBQ pork.  It is marinated in Greek spices, of course.

I haven't had oven potato forever.  I typically get fries, but really miss that yellowy potato.  One side order really gives you lots of serving, meant to be shared. 

I needed some veggie to balance out the protein and carbs, I needed some veggie to balance things out and got a side Greek salad.  It actually is pretty big bowl because they fill it up to the rim.  So between my meat and my salad, it's a full meal.  The potato is just a gluttonous thing for me.

For a while they left off the Konto because they were operating at limited menu with their most popular items only.  But now, Konto is part of the rotation.  We do call in ahead of time to make sure they have it before trekking up there.  But, feel free to ask the staff for it, it is only available on weekends.

Niko Niko's
1040 W. Sam Houston Pkwy N.
Houston, TX 77043

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