Thursday, May 13, 2021


All of a sudden have a hankering for Bubble Tea.
Which did you all hear about the Boba Shortage.  I don't think it's here in Houston yet, but be careful, it's on its way.

Even though what I had in mind walking in was a Bubble tea, when I saw the menu, I had a change of mind.  Instead I got the Red Bean Cream Blend.  It's basically cooked aduki beans and add ice to blend.  Sadly, there were still lots of ice chunks but otherwise the flavor is nostalgic and tasty.  It's something I get when it's hot and I want something sweet with texture.  It is thicker than milk tea, and cooked aduki is already have this muddy spread texture and to blend ice with it, it's thicker.  Which I don't need any boba to add to that.

2089 Westheimer Rd
Houston, TX 77098


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