Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Rodeo snack

Went to the Rodeo, and inevitably, we'll end up eating something even though we have no intention to do so. 
I was already being good, staying away from Fried Oreo, Fried whatever they can put in the fryer.  But it is lunch time... unfortunately for me, I picked a Friday to go to Rodeo during Lent, so no meat for me, in the land of nothing but meat, meat, and more meat.  Luckily, the Polonia booth saved me.  

I got the Pierogi with Kraut and Mushroom.  It was simply delicious, which was to my surprise.  Last time I had Polish food, I have to admit was at a fair, and it was basically that, fair food.  This is actually very nicely textured with the mix of kraut and mushroom filling, not too pickle-y and not too much mushroom to over empower it.  They topped the pierogi with a few steamed onion for taste.  The lady asked if I wanted mayo.  Personally, I'm not a fan of mayo on anything, sometimes on sushi is unavoidable, but I don't voluntarily go ask for mayo.  But since she offered and I haven't tried it, thought, why not.  To my surprised, it actually tasted even better than plain.  I didn't over do it, just dip a bit out for taste, but somehow the mayo draws the flavors out even more.  That was just a surprise.

They do have a location on Blalock, now I'm curious to go.

Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo
Now thru March 18th
NRG park

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