Friday, December 16, 2011

Huge Macarons

So, of course, after our Austin trip, we have to attempted those Giant Macarons ourselves. So, I went to work:
I piped them 2 inches wide, but unfortunately, my macaronage was running a tad wet and they ended up holding hands, which was not my intention. Thus, I have to cut them when they came out of the oven. Not only that, while the top is pretty and domed, there's no feet, not too happy with that outcome. :(
As you can see, it's 1 1/2 inch. Mine usually, with template is about 1 inch.
By comparison, 2 inches is huge!!!! So we know now that we should leave at least 1/2 inch between macarons so there won't be hand holding potentials.

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