Thursday, February 7, 2019

Thai Tea Macaron

I did end up going to baking a bit.
Going back to my Mac roots... you know, it's one of those you don't use it, you lose it kinda skill.
The macaronnage laying down nice and flat.  Let's sit for 60 mins, which I go do other things...
Sigh of relief, came out of oven with pied!  Hooray!
BUT... why are they so huge??  *scratching head*
I got a jar of Thai Tea spread from a Taiwanese company.  The consistency is like Nutella, so I'd figured I should go try to use it as a filling.  That worked out beautifully.  I know this shot doesn't look appetizing, but the consistency of the spread just make a very good filling.  Of course, that's the absolute lazy way of me to do it this way.  But what is not-shown is my failed white chocolate.  I melted it and added fat, it won't go back to the spread state.  So, this worked out great.

While this took place before I had the Thai Tea Ice Cream.  I would say, this turned out better than I'd expected especially when I'm out of practice.  The cheats are always helpful when they taste good on their own and doesn't need much manipulation.  That said, I did get lazy, and did the ziploc bag piping method, instead of wasting one of my bigger piping bags.  Highly recommend it.

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