Thursday, November 21, 2019

La Chula - LGA

Now that LaGuardia has gotten a face lift inside, there are more food option than ever before.
While this is for sure not the Mexican food we know, but at the airport, I'll take what I can get.
For instance, I doubt many Mexican food places in Texas that'll carry Angry Orchard.  It's a Northeast thing.
I got the Nacho to much on.  Definitely too much food and the ooey gooey does get congealed.  Needless to say, I miss my quest, and then was reminded by coworker that we're not in Texas.  It's not a thing outside of the state. *sigh*

The quality is neither here nor there.  I think for airport food, I'm not having fast food it's already a step up.  They serve very simple 'Mexican' food, which is like a taco and variation thereof, and this is already something different.  Service is as airport as you can get, not top notch because it's not a fancy restaurant, but they do come every 15-20 mins.  I hope their locations in the city is much different than the ones in the Airport.
I'm loving all the new things they've put in LaGuardia.  Like this new sign.  The lounges are upstairs. There are at least 2 bookstores in the wing.  There's also a massuses area, market type food, burger, coffee cart.  The seating are a lot of the benches have places for you to plug in to charge your devices.  There's even a children play area.  I can't wait to see it complete.  The outside is a mess, the TSA line is still half and half but the time they quote you not the wait time is pretty accurate, better than the lines at the theme park.  

La Chula
LaGuardia Airport
Terminal B

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