Wednesday, November 13, 2019

New Malaysian Restaurant - NYC

Another one of my favorites is the New Malaysian restaurant.
 It is literally in an alley... so much so that my friend was like, are you going to take me to an alley and let them rob us blind.  Well, no... but for a hole in wall, yes.
 So, I have been coming here for years, literally.  Not every time I come to New York, but when I do, and when I have time.  I'd like to come in here.  I literally bummed into this place by accident.  I was going to the Elizabeth Center because they used to have toys at the basement.  As you come up, you see this alley to cut across to Canal, and there it was.   So what did we have?!
 Of course, Roti - one of the better appetizers little known to people.  The sauce is yummy that if you ordered rice, use that sauce and pour it over the rice.  You won't regret it.
 Dried Fish and cubed  chicken fried rice.  Very flavorful from the dried fish, which nowadays no one preserve fish that way anymore, so it has become an delicacy.
 Chow Kway Teow - which has flat rice noodles, fish cake pieces, and eggs, chives, bean sprouts. One  of the tried and true Malaysian dishes.
 And another must for me, Hainanese Chicken.  While they don't come with the 'oily' rice, I still like the flavor.  It leaves a very clean flavor, all around. 
Of course, I have to get a Chendol.  The one on the menu is dessert size, but if you ask your server, they will make it small sized, which is drink size.  It has pandan juice, coconut juice, mung bean, red bean, and brown sugar on top of shaved ice.  Not too sweet, but definitely has a great mix of flavor in there.
 I love walking around New York, the walk-ups and it's probably cost a lot of money and very pretty inside.  But some have steps leading up to the door, and some have a fire escape, which is so quintessential New York.
The other very 'New York' thing is the graffiti, which now are art on the street.  I think that's great that the artists can have a space where anybody can appreciate their art.

New Malaysian Restaurant
46-48 Bowery 
between Bayard & Canal
New York, NY 10013

1 comment:

David said...

Don't know about you, Patty, but the problem with this place is that I have the same things over and over again. Never getting past my favorites. Someday I swear I will order something new!