Wednesday, September 16, 2020

International Snack - Jaga Choco chip

This is my second time to have this.  This is what we've been dreaming of in our twenties: potato chips dipped in chocolate. 
I love the cute little cup that it comes in.  Make sure it won't get too stuck and melty in the Texas heat.  The other Japanese company has it in a bag, so it's free for bouncing about.

Now granted, there's room to bounce here too, but it looks pretty protected to me.  

The quality, let's face it, it is fully dipped in chocolate, so it's not as crisp as you'd imagine.  But luckily it's not super soggy either.  The chocolate you can tell is milk chocolate, and it's not super sweet because of the potato chips.  I can tell that the potato chips weren't salted, I mean, what's the point, right?!  Anyway, I was super grateful that the chocolate didn't melt in this heat and it came out nice and crisp.  If you see it, definitely worth a try.  The other company that sell something like this, is Royce Chocolate.  Check them out.


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