Thursday, April 1, 2021

7 Leaves

I saw 7 Leaves opened by me, so decided to stop by.
I caught them right at the open.

I ordered House Coffee.  Originally, I had asked for boba, but since they were just opened, they were still cooking the boba.  While inconvenienced, I appreciated, that way I know they are serving fresh ones daily.  Which is not the case at a lot of the bubble tea places.  You can tell they mix the left overs and or just kept using one batch until it's done.

Anyway, the coffee tasted good.  Lots of foam on top.  So, if you don't want to zip full of foam at the end, I'd suggest you mix it up.  If you haven't stab your straw yet, feel free to flip it upside down couple of times.  Then stick the straw in and twirl to mix.

7 Leaves
3825 Richmond Ave
Houston, Tx 77027


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