Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Avalon Diner

Haven't been to Avalon even longer.  Not that I don't want to, but with a mobile toddler, it is hard.  Now that he can sit still (for 5 mins) it makes the trip a little easier.
 I miss my diner coffee.  Something about them that have that special taste... burnt bottom, too much ground... what is that secret tip? 
 Got my usual Corned Beef Hash with 2 eggs.  If you go back to my post 2 yrs ago, you'd notice (as I did) that the portion of corned beef hash is about the same as the hash brown.  As you can see here, that's totally not the case.  As a matter of fact, by the time I finished the eggs, the hash brown, I was able to eat 1/3 of the corned beef hash that had to box it home.  It was a lot of food.

As usual, the place was packed, you wait your turn on the bench.  And as soon as they can turn your table, they do and get a move on.  Food pretty much stayed the same, except with the aforementioned portion increase.  Otherwise, same diner feel that you don't get at much of the places any more.  

Avalon Diner
2417 Westheimer Rd
Houston, TX 

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