Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Common Bond - brunch

Haven't been to the Common Bond in the Medical Center before...
finally got a chance to give that a try.
They took over the Eclair spot on Holcomb, so the lay out pretty much kept the same.
Like Eclair, they are able to display a wide array of pastries, 
and all sorts of yummy goodness and creative cakes, yeah talking about you in the back!
Got an Arnold Palmer, if they offer it, I'll get it.  Sometimes they don't, I still ask.  :)
Here's my brunch dish: Croque Madam
Itsides it has Jambon ham slices, gruyere, jalapeƱo, on top of sourdough and a soft boil egg on top.
Since you let me pick, I'd pick truffle fries.  I would say they over-doused it in one part versus the rest of the dish.  Otherwise, it's good.

Over all, Common Bond made the place more young and hip versus Eclair had made the place European.  Neither good nor bad, as long as they're able to sustain business, I'm happy with that.

Food are good as always, since the seatings are tight and limited, some times folks with big parties do put a monkey ranch into things.  Otherwise, folks are pretty decent about not lingering too long and make seating available for other guests.

Common Bond
Medical Center
2278 W. Holcomb Blvd
Houston, TX 77030

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