Thursday, May 30, 2019

Smoosh Cookies & Ice Cream

Since we were hanging in the Heights, decided to check out Smoosh.
Since they've grown from their food truck into the brick & mortar.
The place is pretty cute, with cute decor.
from wall too floor... details everywhere.
I already know they can do ice cream and cookies, let's try something different.
I got ice cream with churros, topping with nuts, m&ms and chocolate drizzles.  So, typically, they only come with 2 toppings, so extra drizzle equals to extra topping.

I've always liked their cookies, they do have a good recipe for them.  But I couldn't resist the churros.  I would ask them to heat them up if they're not too busy.  It melts the ice cream just so and you just scoop it up and it's yummy.  The place is not big, but definitely pack alot of ice cream flavors in there.  I have been a fan since their food truck days, so of course, I whole-heartedly support the store. 

Parking might be a challenge, they are next to the ever so popular Snooze, and then next to Sing (pan Asian), then there's a bubble tea place next door.  There are parking at the back of the building, but you may need to bring patience to drive around a bit, and every so worth it.

718 18th Street
Houston, TX 77008

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