Friday, May 3, 2013

Chocolate Macarons

So in working on the wedding macarons, this is the 3rd flavor.
In case you couldn't tell, it's chocolate... keep in mind that chocolate powder dries up the batter much faster than normal shell batters.
For the filling, I got some nice chocolate from the store.  I, again used 1/3 c of heavy cream, with this chocolate bar (chopped to tiny pieces), 1 tsp of butter.  Again mixed it all in and let sit to cool. 
It dries out and you can tell when you pipe, because those little tips won't fall as a 'wetter' batter would. Not only that, since I used the Trader Joe's Almond Meal, it takes a little shorter time to bake.
I did about 9 mins instead of the normal 10 mins with normal almond meal at 320 degrees.  Keep in mind the chocolate powder is already drying out the batter.  If you kept at 10 mins it will burn and crack your shell.  So adjust accordingly.
At the end it doesn't look too bad, as a matter of fact, it's the first ones to go.  So I'm quite happy with the turn out. ^_^

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